A PBR model of a Steyr HS .50 Caliber Anti-Materiel Rifle, with an assortment of specialized ammunition types.
Polygon Count: approx. 10,500 Triangles
Total Time Estimate: 30-40 Hours
Textures: 3 Texture Groups (Gun Body, Gun Accessories, and Ammunition Types)
2048x2048 (Gun Body and Accessories), 1024x1024 (Ammunition Types - Comprised of Magazine Cartridges and Bullets).
All ammo types use the same Metallic Map, and all special ammo types (I.E. not "Ball/Regular" ammo) use the same Roughness and Normal Maps. (The only thing different between them is the Base Color)
NOTE: SketchFab viewer is using 1024x1024 (Body and Accessories) and 512x512 (Ammo) textures for faster optimization.