YDY Avatar Accessories: Extras (Season 01 + 02)

For the YDY Mobile Fitness Game ( https://www.ydylife.com/ ), I was also responsible for creating assets for Character Avatar system (Modeling > Texturing > Rigging).

Overall, there were 6 different categories to pick and choose from: Bottoms, Extras, Eyes, Hair, Shoes, and Tops. Additionally, each accessory usually had around 2-4 color variants, and most were designed to minimize clipping with accessories on other body parts.

S01 - Boxing Gloves

S01 - Boxing Gloves

S01 - AirPods

S01 - AirPods

S01 - Cyborg Arm

S01 - Cyborg Arm

S01 - Ear Piercings

S01 - Ear Piercings

S01 - Neck Chain

S01 - Neck Chain

S01 - Sword On Back

S01 - Sword On Back

S01 - Sword IN Back (There was a typo on the client's original list of requested assets, but they thought it was awesome)

S01 - Sword IN Back (There was a typo on the client's original list of requested assets, but they thought it was awesome)

S02 - Bowties

S02 - Bowties

S02 - Cloth Masks

S02 - Cloth Masks

S02 - Knight Armor: Gauntlets

S02 - Knight Armor: Gauntlets

S02 - Mittens

S02 - Mittens

S02 - Wolf Gloves

S02 - Wolf Gloves